Connecting At-Risk Youth to Lifelines
We know that many young people and teenagers find themselves entangled in the web of gangs and criminal activities.
Many resources are available to guide you toward a brighter path, connecting you to positive aspirations, skills, and role models.
Mentoring Programs: Mentorship by individuals who have overcome similar challenges can be invaluable for young people looking to escape from cycles of violence and crime. Here are some mentoring programs and organizations to contact:
St Giles Trust Peer Advisor Programme: The trust trains ex-offenders and former gang members to become professional caseworkers and mentors. They can relate authentically to the challenges faced by those they help. Website: stgilestrust.org.uk
The Crib: This social inclusion project runs the 'De-escalation Room', a diversionary project aimed at youths involved in or at risk of getting involved in gangs and knife crime. Many of their staff have lived experiences. Website: thecrib.org.uk
Gangsline: They offer training and mentoring for those at risk or involved in gangs, often provided by individuals in similar situations. Website: gangsline.com
Lives Not Knives: An early intervention and prevention initiative to steer young people away from gang culture, crime, and weapon-related violence. The program uses mentors with relevant lived experience. Website: livesnotknives.org
Khulisa: They work with young offenders and those at risk of offending or exclusion from school. They use mentors and facilitators who have often overcome similar challenges in their youth. Website: khulisa.co.uk
Switch Up: Founded by Marcellus Baz, a former gang member who turned his life around, this organization provides mentoring and uses sport as a medium to engage and transform lives. Website: switch-up.org.uk
Bounce Back: While broader than knife crime, Bounce Back provides training and mentorship for ex-offenders, helping them reintegrate into society and find gainful employment. Website: bouncebackproject.com
The 4Front Project: This youth-led initiative often features mentors and trainers who've faced the same challenges as the young people they're helping. Website: the4frontproject.org
After-school Clubs: Safe spaces for students to engage in productive activities.
Kidscape: A pioneering anti-bullying organization in the UK. They provide children, families, and schools with practical workshops and support. Website: kidscape.org.uk
YoungMinds: This UK charity champions young people's well-being and mental health. Website: youngminds.org.uk
Place2Be: They offer mental health counseling for kids in schools and support for parents. Website: place2be.org.uk
Catch22: Provides a wide range of services for young people, including those leaving care or in trouble with the law. Website: catch-22.org.uk
Barnardo’s: While it's a broader children's charity, they do offer specific services for children affected by violence. Website: barnardos.org.uk
The Children's Society: Works with other organizations to support vulnerable young people, including those at risk of violence. Website: childrenssociety.org.uk
Refuge: Primarily known for supporting women and children escaping domestic violence. Website: refuge.org.uk​
Community Groups: Gang involvement and knife crime are significant concerns in the UK, and various community groups and organizations aim to address these issues and support young people at risk. Here are some prominent organizations and community groups in this space​
St Giles Trust: They offer a range of services aimed at helping people facing severe disadvantages to find jobs, homes, and the right support they need. They have projects specifically for young people involved in or at risk of becoming involved in gangs. Website: stgilestrust.org.uk
Redthread: Operates within major trauma centers in London to intervene and offer support when young people (aged 11-25) are admitted due to violence, including knife crime. Website: redthread.org.uk
The Ben Kinsella Trust: Founded in memory of Ben Kinsella, who tragically lost his life to knife crime, the trust works towards educating young people about knife crime, helping them make positive choices to stay safe. Website: benkinsella.org.uk
The 4Front Project: A youth-led social enterprise that empowers young people and communities to live free from violence. They support young people who are at risk or already involved in violence. Website: the4frontproject.org
Gangsline: Offers support, advice, and mentoring to young people involved in gang culture. Website: gangsline.com
StreetDoctors: A volunteer organization of medical students teaching 'emergency life-saving skills' to youth at risk of violence so they know what to do if someone is bleeding or unconscious. Website: streetdoctors.org
Fearless: This service allows young people to pass on information about crime anonymously. Website: fearless.org
Only Connect: Works with London's most at-risk young people to prevent them from getting involved in crime or helping them escape this lifestyle and its dangers. Website: onlyconnect.london
Legal Assistance: Do you need help navigating legal challenges and understanding rights? Here are some organizations and resources in the UK that provide legal support and education:
The Howard League for Penal Reform: A charity working for less crime, safer communities, and fewer people in prison. They offer legal advice for young people under 21 who are in prison or have been in contact with criminal justice agencies. Website: howardleague.org
Just for Kids Law: An organization that provides direct legal support, representation, and advice to young people. Website: justforkidslaw.org
Law Centres Network: Law centres offer individuals and groups free legal advice, casework, and representation. There are several throughout the UK. Website: lawcentres.org.uk
Children's Rights Alliance for England (CRAE): They protect the human rights of children by lobbying the government and others, bringing or supporting test cases, and using regional and international human rights mechanisms. They provide information about children's rights. Website: crae.org.uk
Legal Aid: Many solicitors provide services funded by legal aid. To find a legal aid adviser or family mediator, you can use the gov.uk website.
Release: Although more focused on drug-related offenses, they offer free specialist advice on issues ranging from arrest to sentencing.Website: release.org.uk
Coram Children's Legal Centre: Offers free legal information, advice, and representation to children, young people, and their families.
Website: coramchildrenslegalcentre.com
Youth Access: It's an advice and counseling network. While they focus more on advice and counseling, some services include legal advice. Website: youthaccess.org.uk
Citizens Advice: While their reach is broader than just youth offenses, they provide free, independent, and confidential advice on rights and can help navigate the legal system. Website: citizensadvice.org.uk
Community Centers:​​
Sports and Arts Programs: ​​
Educational Workshops: Sessions on life skills, resilience, and personal development.​​​​